I believe it was on Pricetown Road ("the Pricetown Road", in local dialect) that Jimmy and I spotted the junky blue camaro, but we weren't really that excited because it was in crappy shape and wasn't very desirable. Then, Jim noticed (from 2,800 yards away) that it had a "12 bolt Rear". ?. Yes, all motorheads have the uncanny ability to look underneath cars sitting in weeds from 1/2 mile away and count the bolts on the differential cover on the back axle under the car in any lighting condition, instantly. Strange that they can overlook doormats, birthdays, and pained-expressions with such visual acuity but let's just leave that and return to the scene. We decide we will stop later when we are done with our pressing mission (moving a train shed?) but as always, it takes a little longer than we hoped and Jim and I show up at dusk... okay, night has fallen, we can just make out the glowing field -lit by the moon, but definitely not a full moon- behind the hedge on our left as we approach the porch of the hunting-cabin-styled house. As we walk up the sidewalk, I see something move out of the corner of my eye, out near the hedge. "Jim, did you see that? Did you see something move?" "No, maybe," he replies and a few steps later, "I think something is out there..." We peer out into the dark field beyond the hedge, but all seems still.
Being the camaro guy (Jim is a mustang guy), it is my place to knock on the door and ask the awkward questions; Jim is behind me to my left, a little closer to the house. Like Mom's house, there is a long porch that you enter from the left and the entrance is straight in front of you as you walk (like you were entering the kitchen door of mom's) so you pass by the windows. I knock. A few seconds later, a rather large man in a red and black checkered flannel shirt opens the door. "What?" he growls. "Hey, sorry to bother you but I noticed your camaro earlier, and I was wondering if you were planning on selling it or..."
Out of the corner of my eye I see Jim dive toward the wall of the house. Before I can even turn around, something is lifting me from under my thighs and propelling me forward to the right of the door. I land and fall backwards on my butt just in time to see what looks like an exceptionally large purple ottoman run into the house. Surprised, the guy holding the door throws his hands up, revealing that he had been holding a hatchet behind his back in his right hand. He runs through the house cursing and yelling and knocking things over. A few seconds later, he manages to chase a large, maroon sheep back out the front door, kicking it in the butt as it passes us.
As you can imagine, I have no idea how the rest of the conversation went. But as Jim and I were walking back out on the sidewalk, we realized the "hedge" was no longer there, they had all moved over near the house, hoping for (and one plucky member demanding) a late night snack. It so happens that this came at a time when purple kale, purple beans, purple cauliflower, purple lettuce and even the occasional purple carrot were becoming more common in the stores. Perhaps the sheep were getting a lot of these in their diet, or perhaps Jimmy and I were getting too much of them in our diet. "Where they really purple?", "They looked maroon to me...",
Being the camaro guy (Jim is a mustang guy), it is my place to knock on the door and ask the awkward questions; Jim is behind me to my left, a little closer to the house. Like Mom's house, there is a long porch that you enter from the left and the entrance is straight in front of you as you walk (like you were entering the kitchen door of mom's) so you pass by the windows. I knock. A few seconds later, a rather large man in a red and black checkered flannel shirt opens the door. "What?" he growls. "Hey, sorry to bother you but I noticed your camaro earlier, and I was wondering if you were planning on selling it or..."
Out of the corner of my eye I see Jim dive toward the wall of the house. Before I can even turn around, something is lifting me from under my thighs and propelling me forward to the right of the door. I land and fall backwards on my butt just in time to see what looks like an exceptionally large purple ottoman run into the house. Surprised, the guy holding the door throws his hands up, revealing that he had been holding a hatchet behind his back in his right hand. He runs through the house cursing and yelling and knocking things over. A few seconds later, he manages to chase a large, maroon sheep back out the front door, kicking it in the butt as it passes us.
As you can imagine, I have no idea how the rest of the conversation went. But as Jim and I were walking back out on the sidewalk, we realized the "hedge" was no longer there, they had all moved over near the house, hoping for (and one plucky member demanding) a late night snack. It so happens that this came at a time when purple kale, purple beans, purple cauliflower, purple lettuce and even the occasional purple carrot were becoming more common in the stores. Perhaps the sheep were getting a lot of these in their diet, or perhaps Jimmy and I were getting too much of them in our diet. "Where they really purple?", "They looked maroon to me...",